Geneva Bible JSON

Hi there,

First, I wanted to say thank you so much for Relight! I use it all the time for personal Bible study and it really is a great resource. I am extremely appreciative for it.

I also wanted to ask if I would be able to get hold of the (presumably) JSON file that you use for the Geneva Bible text and notes? I am interested in an analysis project on the content and can’t seem to find it online other than here.

All the best and every blessing

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Thank you for using Relight and for posting. Your words are very encouraging. I got the Geneva from the SWORD project using the diatheke command line tool.

As far as the JSON goes, you can actually get all of that here through Relight’s API:

I can also send you the YAML file I created when converting the resource for use in Relight’s server. Let me know if that would be best.