Starting a proper thread for this.
@augmentedfourth suggested PrayerMate. I had to laugh when I saw this:
Starting a proper thread for this.
@augmentedfourth suggested PrayerMate. I had to laugh when I saw this:
Well, PrayerMate has the concept of Lists (e.g. People in My Church), each of which contains various Subjects (e.g. John Smith). Each Subject can have multiple Cards with different things you might be praying for that person, and you can even replace a card with another if the particular issue might have progressed/changed and you can see a log of answered prayer cards (for instance, praying for a diagnosis that becomes prayer for a surgery that becomes prayer for recovery).
This data structure can be sort of “hacked” to create a list of biblical prayers, with an included Subject of The Lord’s Prayer, but then it’ll give you the opportunity to add another Card to that Subject, which results in the screenshot above.
My initial PrayerMate setup was inspired by this article from Tim Challies, but I’ve grown and modified it to fit my prayer life quite a bit over the years.
Ben Robin and I have been talking about doing something in this area for some time. Most likely, rather than being features in Relight, it would be a separate app that would have some bi-directional Relight integrations. That would help keep each app clean and less confusing. I’m definitely bookmarking that Challies post to read later.