"The UX project?"

Sounds like something I’d like to hear about. What’s the UX project?


Calling @bakoind and @DavidMikucki, I guess…

We’ve talked about doing research into how Relight might be used by various groups of people. Knowing their goals helps inform how Relight will be designed.

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Maybe should put together a presentation for you all. Let me know if that would be helpful.

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Sounds like user stories from agile software development. I’ve been a scrum master for years (though I’m also on the dev team because my org doesn’t provide for such specialization) and could help organize/plan the execution if desired.

If there’s anything I could do to help or provide feedback, I’d be glad to get further into the loop. :+1:

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For reference, Grant is a proper/trained UX designer (I think you know that, @augmentedfourth, but for anyone else reading). He’s volunteered to put together some questions for interviews and to interview various people about how they study the Bible (with and without Relight). This info can really help guide feature development, in terms of coming up with feature ideas, decisions around their implementation, and prioritization.

At present, I’m basically just making Relight to be an app I like to use, then hoping people who are like me will enjoy it. I mean, I ask people who use it questions and stuff, but I’m excited to get actual data from someone who knows how to gather it.


There are some similarities, though UX work would ideally feed user story creation.

If by “properly trained” you mean “read a lot of books, went to a bunch of training, and practiced a lot until I got to a point of competency” then yes, I am properly trained :blush:

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That sounds about as proper as the training I’ve had to perform the work I do for a living. 13+ years of experience doesn’t hurt, either.

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I’m a guerrilla developer, so yeah, compared to me, you’re properly trained. I do UX (and most things in life) like MacGyver, with duct tape and a Swiss Army Knife. :rofl:

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It also helps to be doing professional work in a field related to an old hobby, which is true at least for @DavidMikucki and myself.

Good podcast episode on how pastors think:
3GT episode

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I’ll definitely check this out, thanks!